Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Baby Clothes, Cleaned (ironed?!) and Catalogued
This post is essentially for the information of anyone who may buy me anything for Squiggle.
We have been very fortunate, in that up to now the Husb0t and I have not bought any baby clothes (apart from the odd Princess Leia costume and Hello Kitty dress that we've found at carboot sales) But our lovely family and friends have been more than generous in their gift giving, and in particular my uncle dropped off a MASSIVE amount of his boys' clothes that they'd outgrown. Even right now, as I'm writing I'm remembering more bits of baby clothes that we've got stashed away somewhere (9 months is a long time!)and I'm having to go and amend my list... oh there's a list... I HAD to make a list!...
Here's the list:
So I guess... we've probably got MORE than enough 0-3 month stuff :-) we could do with some more jumpers/cardigans for winter (3-6 month) more blankets/muslin squares/crib (moses basket/pram size) sheets as we have none! haha But I'm thinking of using pillow cases anyhow as they're much cheaper.
We'll need stuff for the cot bed after about 3 months (sheets/more blankets) but I need to get that measured.
We'd also greatfully accept gifts of boring consumable items like nappies and wipes. I'd really like some reusable nappies, you can get packs of 3 or so to try out in some supermarkets now. Money's going to be tight when Squig gets here so even if you bought us some nappy bags I'd be greatful! Vouchers are cool too.
We've kept to the basics when getting 'equipment' we've got a car seat/buggy (with pram top), changing table/mat, bath, crib, cot bed and a few toys. We do not want a baby monitor. I believe we're getting a playpen/room divider. We've also got a really cute little rocking horse.... I would quite like a baby sling of some description but I think I'd rather buy it for myself as there are so many on the market (and some of them are DAMN ugly!) so if you want to buy us something along those lines juat let me know so I can make sure we don't get duplicates :-)
and (of course) if you've got a shop or website that sells baby goods and want me to review anything on this blog, please, don't hesitate to get in touch!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
36 Weeks: Our bodies are too bumpalicious for ya babe!
This weekend I had Tea and cake with my pregnant lady friends from my NCT antenatal class :-) it was nice. The cups were big and they matched the teapot (no photo for this you're just going to have to take my word for it)
Here are our tummies!!
haha I have a friend who has a phobia of pregnant women (srsly...) ... This would be his WORST nightmare.
Why don't you test yourself? guess which one of us is due first. Oh and which one is ME?! Answer after the 'read more' link :-)
On a crafty note, the unicorn embroidery is still in progress. Taking a lot longer than I'd expected but it's a BIG piece of work so I'm kinda not surprised. I'm also partway through the dress version of my Maternity 'pirate' top. I've only got around 4 weeks left to go, but the great thing is that because it's elasticated I can wear it after Squiggle arrives, and 'cos it's button up it'll be good for breastfeeding. win win win win win.
Anyhow, guessed whose going to 'pop' first yet? Guessed which one is me?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I'm still here.... working away,,,
embroidery art,
embroidery borders,
Work in progress
Sunday, June 19, 2011
35 Weeks - 5 to GOOO!!
This is not a father's day post, sorry :-)

I'm not going to reproduce the whole list here, but here are a few things that I did already, either consciously or unconsciously, in preparation for the arrival of baby Squiggle. Reading them on the list made me do a mental 'fist in the air' BOOYAH!
3rd trimester,
pregnant chicken,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Tonight I'm going here:
To ROCK OUT like this:
Going to watch these guys:
Wearing this baby:
See you on the other side!
To ROCK OUT like this:
Going to watch these guys:
Wearing this baby:
See you on the other side!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Work in Progress Wednesday - Unicorn Embroidery
Damn I love Pinterest.... if you're on there and havn't found me yet, I'm here.
I found this embroidery pattern via Catlyn Lawson - original work by My Girl Thursday
and this is where I am right now:
oh yea, unicorn rainbows baby!
can;t wait to get this all done.. my fingers hurt!!
I found this embroidery pattern via Catlyn Lawson - original work by My Girl Thursday
I've seen a couple of unicorn based cross stitch projects on Craftster recently that I wanted to do an embroidery version of, and since I'm on maternity leave now I thought it was time to get my teeth into a large-ish embroidery project.
This is where I was a couple of days ago:
oh yea, unicorn rainbows baby!
can;t wait to get this all done.. my fingers hurt!!
embroidery art,
embroidery borders,
girl geek,
Work in progress
Friday, June 10, 2011
Maternity 'Pirate' Top - Mens shirt upcycle - Tutorial
OK, as promised a TUTORIAL for my men's shirt upcycle :-) I've made this as a maternity piece but it could of course suit the un-pregnant ladies out there who are best served by an empire line for whatever reason...
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Craft Swaps: Metal Swap - Recieved \m/!!
OK, about time I shared with you what I recieved from AWESOME first time swapper Azura on Craftster in the Metal Swap I'm organising. Notice how with every item she encloses a lovely little printed note with a 'backstory'... thats what makes a swapper a GREAT swapper:
First, an adorable Les Paul keychain. Azura noted that I mentioned Les Paul was my favourite guitar shape from a comment I made on the discussion board (are you taking note crafters?) my keys are already on this...
First, an adorable Les Paul keychain. Azura noted that I mentioned Les Paul was my favourite guitar shape from a comment I made on the discussion board (are you taking note crafters?) my keys are already on this...
craft swaps,
les paul,
nathan explosion
Monday, June 06, 2011
GC: Reader Submission. Portal Sentry Turret Plush
light up,
Sunday, June 05, 2011
TG: 33 Weeks!!
We're into countdown mode now, 33 weeks, 7 weeks left to go!
This is a top I made myself out of a men's shirt. It was intended to just give me something to wear to a pirate theme party I went to last weekend, but it's turned out to be the most comfortable top EVER.
I'm on maternity leave from work now and I'd been squeezing myself into an array of maternity and non-maternity wear since I was determined not to buy anything new for the last couple of weeks. Being able to dress casually full time now (and even just in my PJs if I like) is SUCH a relief!
Anyhow... I took lots of pictures, so a tutorial for making a top like this will be coming up this week. It took no time at all!! and I've even gone out and bought a couple more shirts (from charity shops - of course!) so I can make some more and perhaps make a dress modification (did I mention it's the most comfortable thing ever?)
EDIT: Tutorial is UP!! - HERE
My baby related thoughts are:
I'm thinking about... going for a water birth, the hospital I'm going to is well equipped for water births (I believe) and I'll talk to my midwife about it when I see her next.
The Husb0t has begun... clearing out 'his' StarWars room so it can start receiving baby related furniture.
I have... a gym ball! so I can sit on it to encourage my Squiggle to get in the correct position for birth - if the Husb0t will ever get off the damn thing!
I'm frustrated... that there doesn't seem to be anything going on in the NCT Branch where I live. I'm going to invite some of my antenatal class ladies round to sew some breastfeeding pillows and stuff... if they want.. I'll be doing it anyway so it's a good way of them getting something for nothing (and a good way for me to reduce my stash!)
33 weeks,
Friday, June 03, 2011
Zippered Cuff Purse (With TUTORIAL!)
I'm spoiling you guys this week...
Today let's make one of these!!

(photo credit - Craftster User Azura)
What we have here is a fashion accessory with a secret! A cuff with a secret zip compartment for for keeping your money (for MONEY people!) safe when you're out moshing :-)
I'll walk you through drafting your own pattern to fit your own wrist or you can download my pattern (my wrist circumference is 6 inches)
(right click, save image as)
Today let's make one of these!!

(photo credit - Craftster User Azura)
What we have here is a fashion accessory with a secret! A cuff with a secret zip compartment for for keeping your money (for MONEY people!) safe when you're out moshing :-)
I'll walk you through drafting your own pattern to fit your own wrist or you can download my pattern (my wrist circumference is 6 inches)
(right click, save image as)
free pattern,
how to,
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Teddy Bear Labcoat (With TUTORIAL) !!
Check out this cutey pie!
under arm circumference 28 cm
waist 34 cm
neck to foot 22 cm
neck to top of leg 14 cm
arm length 12.5 cm
Pattern Pieces: right click and "Save Target as"/"Save image as"
I haven't figured out the whole PDF thing yet, so I've included a tape measure on each one so you can be sure you've got the sizes right for printing.
A few months ago a good friend of mine dropped me a facebook message asking if I'd be able to make a labcoat for his girlfriend's teddy bear as a birthday present. . . I thought, "yea, why not! there must be loads of tutorials on the Internet for stuff like that..." ... well guess what... there isn't :-/ ...
Well there is now!!
Teddy Bear Labcoat Tutorial!!
This pattern should fit teddys of these proportions.
Some modification might me needed for smaller/larger teddies!
arm circumference 12 cm
neck 26 cmunder arm circumference 28 cm
waist 34 cm
neck to foot 22 cm
neck to top of leg 14 cm
arm length 12.5 cm
Pattern Pieces: right click and "Save Target as"/"Save image as"
I haven't figured out the whole PDF thing yet, so I've included a tape measure on each one so you can be sure you've got the sizes right for printing.
free pattern,
how to,
teddy bear,
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